Elizabeth Hooton. 1600-1672

The first of the female Quaker ministers.
In 1651, she was imprisoned in Derby for ‘reproving a priest’. (Derby Courthouse)

Elizabeth who?

Elizabeth Hooton
Elizabeth who?
Elizabeth Hooton
Is that with one T or two?

Sent down
from this courtroom, whose
earlier judgement – You
before the Lord, you
Quaker –
named a movement

Launched a man
into history

His disciple? (Or was she a mentor?)

She followed him
To here. Then from here.
Into prison. In Derby.
For a year? For reproving
the clergy.


Elizabeth who?
With one T or two?

poem by Geoffrey Mann


Elizabeth is known as the first Quaker female missionary who convinced the founder of the Quakers, George Fox, that God anointed women for ministry as well as men. She was was imprisoned in Derby in 1651 for:

[A] ‘ignoring a priest’  
[B] “reproving a priest”
[C] “reproving her husband”

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